Please take the following steps to locate your record, recover your User ID, and reset your password:
- Enter your information in the Last Name and SSN/ITIN fields, below. A Registration Code is not required for registration. It is used by EMSA staff for technical support, only.
- Press the Search button.
- If the system locates your account:
- - Review your User ID to ensure there are no typos/errors, such as a trailing “space” at the end, (caused by using “Autofill” features.)
- - Reset your password
- - Reset your security question/answer.
- If the system does not locate your Paramedic License information, STOP and ensure you entered the correct social security number.
- If, after a second attempt, the system does not locate your information, contact so we may review your record and assist in account correction.
- Last names are not searched by Soundex; therefore, they must match exactly as written on prior license/certification record submission. Try including or excluding, for example, suffixes (Smith III) or dashes (Smith-Cline).
- The Registration Code will only be utilized under specific circumstances, and is issued by EMSA staff.
If you are unable to register, click HERE to send an email to EMSA for assistance. |